BG Brisbane Employee Induction

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Cleaning, Chemical & Waste Procedures

Objective: To provide staff with an overview of what is expected to maintain a clean and hygienic environment and to ensure food safety protocols.

Selling Floor & Coldrooms (C Block & S Block)


As a minimum the selling floor & Coldrooms located in C & S block need to be swept at the close of trade and once produce has been packed away.

Brooms are to be clean and free of decontaminates and odours.


When possible the selling floor and coldrooms located in C & S Blocks are to be hosed out each Friday (or whichever is the last day of trade) 

All produce must be stored in racks off the floor. No chemicals are to be used on the floor, only water. Excess water is to be squeegeed out making sure no puddles are left.

Check to make sure no splashes on walls.  Check before use that it is not leaking any foreign material and is in good condition. Squeegees to be clean and free of decontaminates and odours.

Hot Pressure Wash

To be performed either inhouse or by 3rd party contractor.

Please consult Floor Manager / QA Manager prior to commencing. 

  • Fire Alarms to be deactivated on the day of cleaning
  • Cool Dynamics to be advised in case of issues after cleaning complete.
  • Material Safety Sheets maintained for all chemicals used.
  • All chemicals are to be food safe.
  • Produce to be stored off-site whilst cleaning being performed.
  • Safety PPE to be used (eg. googles, gum boots, face mask, gloves)


  • All internal bins to have liners and are to be clearly labelled for their intended use.
  • Bins are to be emptied daily.  Packing Facility bins are to be emptied into the industrial bin located outside of S Block.    C Block bins are to be placed out front of selling floor for collection by the BML.
  • Internal Bins are to be hosed weekly.
  • C Block Wheelie Bins are maintained by BML contractor.
  • ALDI or other Customer Branded packaging and labels that are disposed of are to be recorded.

Temperature Probes & Knives

Probes & Knives are to be cleaned with hot water and soap daily by storeworkers at the end of trade.  They should be inspected before use to ensure they are clean and in good condition.

Desks / Work Surfaces / Packing Facilities

All Work surfaces (packing tables, desks, wrapping machine etc) are to be wiped down at the start and end of day with antibacterial food grade wipes or sanitising spray & disposable paper towel.

Storeworkers to wash hands after cleaning desks before commencing order picking/packing.


Any chemicals used at BGB are to be approved by QA Manager before use.

Safety Data Sheets must be sighted before use and must be less than 5 years from when issued. Chemicals to be stored in the chemical storage cabinet located in the dry shed at S Block.   Chemicals should be inspected regularly to ensure they are in good condition.  Labels should be legible.  If they are not then this needs to be reported to the office staff.  Only authorised and trained staff are to access, handle, or dispose of chemicals.  A Chemical spill kit is also located at this same location and there is also one upstairs at C Block in the event that a spill occurs.



  • identify substance spilled
  • obtain Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
  • assess risk level to self, other workers and environment


  • if emergency call ‘000’ or Poisons Information Centre 13 11 26
  • identify area affected
  • notify supervisor


  • keep people away
  • restrict access to contaminated area


  • wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • obtain spill kit
  • contain spill – refer to SDS for instructions
  • apply absorbent material to liquids


  • apply decontaminants if required/possible


  • collect all contaminated material
  • clean spill area dispose of contaminated material as specified in SDS

Have QA Manger, Owner or Shed Manager perform an inspection of the area to ensure no residue remains before resuming operations.

Spill Kit Contains the Following and any items used must be replenished.

  • Kitty Litter
  • Vomit Clean-Up
  • Garbage Bags
  • Gloves
  • Dust Pan & Brush
  • Absorbant Pads
  • Do Not Use Labels

Use Chemicals Safely


Spray San

Only use bottles that are labelled with “Spray San” for the following purpose –

Used for sanitising and cleaning bench tops, desks and stainless steel surfaces. 

Spray onto surface and wipe over with clean cloth.

This chemical has been classified as “NOT HAZARDOUS” and is non flammable.   However it is recommended to keep away from open flames.

No Special Protection Equipment is required according to the manufacturer if the chemical is used in normal conditions, however BGB requires staff to wear disposable gloves when performing end of day cleaning tasks with this chemical.