AW5600 Machine Set Up for ALDI Pack Out
1. Turn on the Machine at the main power source and wait for the computer to load.
(Green Button)
2. Check that the date displayed is today’s date
3. Turn on the Conveyor Belt
Twist the red button to the right and Push in
4. Turn on the Round Table – Push the button and turn to the right
5. Load / Feed machine film into machine – wait 30 minutes before commencing packing.
(For best results the wrap requires 30 mins to warm up in the machine)
6.Reset Machine
a) Push Emergency Stop button and turn to the right
b) Press Blue Reset Button
7. Hit Auto Trial Run
8. To select the Product to be packed
a) Press PLU
9. Select the product to be packed
a) Duo Capsicums ALDI
b) Zucchini ALDI
c) Lebanese Cucumber ALDI
10. Check correct tray size is set for the product being packed
- Zucchini – 8×5
- Lebanese Cucumber – 8×5
- Duo Capsicum – 7×5
Whilst waiting for machine to warms – complete room set up
11. Load the correct sticker into the machine (insert video)
Input Dates – Click on the Colour to input the dates as per the
ALDI Date Calculator
a) 2ndColumn Date (Colour) is “Best Before”
b) 3rdColumn Date (Colour) is “Display Until Date”
c) Press Store and return to main menu
NB- 1st Column Date is “today” date – no change required, 4thColumn Date is “Packed On” – no change required
a) Check Dates
b) Press anywhere in the “Label” to print a test sticker.
c) If dates are correct attached sticker to Date Check Sheet (Form # 304) and complete the necessary
information on the form.