The business has a list of “Rules of Engagement” that all employees are given at the commencement of their employment. This list covers the basic standard of conduct that the business expects from its employees and summaries all the policies into one clear document. The main topics covered :-
The purpose of performance management is to improve performance. It is an ongoing process. It should include informal and formal review. We encourage a two-way process, that is, employees can also give management feedback on performance.
All employees will undergo a formal performance review with their immediate managers.
The manager and the employee agree on the date for a performance appraisal meeting to allow time to prepare.
The manager and employee will meet and openly and constructively discuss performance over the period.
The manager and the employee will agree any objectives and outcomes for the next appraisal period.
Training and development will be considered as part of the process.
Notes should be taken of the meeting and copies kept.
Outside of this formal process, employees are encouraged to raise any issues they have when they arise.
Performance Improvement Policy
Where warranted BGB will use improvement processes to improve performance. Should such improvement processes be unsuccessful in improving an employee’s performance, BGB may decide to end an employee’s employment. Depending on the circumstances, performance improvement action may include verbal or written warnings, counselling or retraining.
BGB requires a minimum standard of conduct and performance which will be made clear to employees in management appraisals. If an employee does not meet this standard, BGB will take appropriate corrective action, such as training. Formal performance improvement procedures will generally only start when other corrective action fails.
If an employee deliberately breaches business policy or procedure, or engages in misconduct, BGB may start improvement procedures, or, in cases of serious misconduct or breach of policy, may dismiss an employee.
Each employee must understand their responsibilities, be counselled and given the opportunity to reach the standards expected of them. BGB will give an employee the opportunity to defend themselves before management takes further action.
Note: If employees have a disability that requires reasonable adjustments to be made to the workplace or job to allow you to work safely and productively, they should raise this with their manager. BGB will only refuse such requests on reasonable business grounds.
BGB will advise the employee of any shortfall in their performance, and give them an opportunity to respond.
Once they respond, the manager will consider their response and decide if performance improvement action should be taken. BGB will provide support such as training where appropriate.
If the employee is given a verbal warning, the manager should make a note of it, date it and sign it.
The manager will advise the employee in clear terms what they see as the performance problem or the unacceptable conduct. To highlight the deficiency, they should use specific examples, and refer to the correct policy or procedure.
The manager will allow the employee to respond before making a decision and consider the employee’s responses. The employee may have a support person present at such meetings.
The manager will decide if more action is needed.
If a written warning is to follow, the manager is to:
document it and give the employee a copy
give the employee the opportunity (and their support person the opportunity) to sign the warning
keep a copy on file
The warning must clearly define:
the deficiency
a clear explanation of the expected standard
by when the employee needs to achieve it
how the business will help the employee achieve the improvement required
consequences of failing to improve
The manager concerned will keep a record of all meetings, training and/or coaching given and a summary of discussions, and put a copy on the employee’s personnel file. This should include date, location and time of discussion.
They will continue to support the employee and note the support they give, for example, training or counselling.
If the employee’s performance or conduct doesn’t improve, the manager will give the employee a final written warning and follow steps 4–10 above. This document needs to warn the employee in clear terms BGB will terminate their employment if there is not enough improvement, and a sustained improvement in, their performance.
Note: some circumstances will justify going straight to a second or final warning.
Summary (instant) dismissal for gross or very serious misconduct is possible (depending on the facts involved).
Gross or serious misconduct policy
The manager is to investigate the alleged offence thoroughly, including talking to witnesses, if any.
The manager should ask the employee for their response to the allegation (taking notes of this discussion) and allow them to have representation. The manager should also have a witness present. The manager shall give genuine consideration to the employee’s response and circumstances.
If still appropriate, following a thorough investigation, the manager can terminate/dismiss the employee.
The manager should keep a file of all evidence collected and action taken in these circumstances.
BGB will send the employee a letter of termination noting brief details.
Appealing Termination of Employment
A formal written letter should be produced advising your employer that you would like to appeal against the dismissal decision. Contact the HR representative to arrange for a meeting to be scheduled to present your case. The employee will be notified by writing within (5) days of the appeals meeting whether the original termination decision will remain or whether employment will be reinstated. Should the employee still be unsatisfied with the result they may wish to seek external support by lodging a claim with the Fair Work Commission.